Object: M42 & M43 The Great Nebula In Orion in H-alpha |
Sensor: Ccd ST-10XME T: -25° Filter: H-alpha |
Center RA & Dec: 05h 35m 20s -05° 32' 20" - Pos Angle: -00° 39' - Scale: 1.85"/Pixel |
Exposure: 20 x 30s + 20 x 60s + 15 x 180s for central area of M42 + 15 x 900s external areas |
Date, Time & Number: 2012.12.11 - 23h 01m 40s U.T. U.T.C. |
Location: Rome - Italy |
Instruments: Reflector Flat Field Camera SCL 760/4 della Lichtenknecker Optics |
Note Pulse of dithering 1à setup |
Photo: Danilo Pivato © Copyright: - Images & texts 2012 - All rights reserved |
Map |
The Photographic History of the Great Orion Nebula through different focal lengths |
Focal Length 50mm |
Focal Length 100mm |
Focal Length 200mm |
Focal Length 300mm |
Focal Length 400mm |
Focal Length 500mm |
Focal Length 760mm |
Focal Length 1268mm |
Focal Length 2100mm |
Focal Length 2910mm |
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