Al di la della Luna; Beyond the Moon; Astrophotography; Astrofotografia; Danilo Pivato
    Object:  M42 & M43 The Great Nebula In Orion in Infrared
Sensor: Ccd ST-10XME T: -28° Filter: Infrared
    Center RA & Dec:   05h 35m 17.0s -05° 25' 40.1" - Pos Angle: 358° 24.8' - Scale: 1.11"/Pixel
Exposure:    36 x 10s + 24 x 30s + 26 x 60s for central area of M42 + 10 x 180s external areas
    Date, Time & Number:   2016.01.16 - 21h 58m 37s U.T.C.
Location:  Rome - Italy
    Instruments: Reflector Takahashi BRC250 F= 1268mm f/5
Note  Pulse of dithering 1à setup
Photo: Danilo Pivato © Copyright: - Images & texts 2016 - All rights reserved
Detail - Pixel Real
Rollower H-Alpha + IR
The Photographic History of the Great Orion Nebula through different focal lengths
Focal Length 50mm
Focal Length 100mm
Focal Length 200mm
Focal Length 300mm
Focal Length 400mm
Focal Length 500mm
Focal Length 760mm
Focal Length 1268mm
Focal Length 2100mm
Focal Length 2910mm


Since: 01/01/2004
Since: 01/11/2010